It’ difficult to make a whole meatloaf for two people andnot have tons of leftovers. That doesn’t stop me from making it when I’mcraving this comfort food, however. What it does mean is that I have to becreative about using up those leftovers. While I love meatloaf sandwiches slatheredwith mayo, those aren’t too diet friendly. This recipe is surprisingly not highin calories, if you can limit yourself to one sixth of the total recipe.

Semi-Homemade MeatloafPizza
1 canister refrigerated Pillsbury French bread1 cup canned tomato pasta sauce (I used Bertolli’s healthy variety)1 t. dehydrated garlic6 white mushrooms, thinly sliced¼ cup chopped red bell pepper4 thin slices leftover healthy meatloaf1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray a rimmed cookie sheetwith nonstick cooking spray. Unroll the French bread dough and pat it intoplace on the cooking sheet. Spray surface with nonstick cooking spray. Placebread in preheated oven and bake for 7 minutes. Remove from oven.
While bread is cooking, place pasta sauce in a saucepan andadd garlic. Heat over low and cook until reduced by half, about 15 minutes.
Spray a small skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heatto medium. Add mushrooms and peppers, spray with nonstick cooking spray. Sautéfor 5 minutes, or until veggies start to soften.
Spread pasta sauce on bread dough. Top with veggies, crumbledmeatloaf and cheese. Return to oven and cook an additional 15 minutes, untilcheese is melted and edges of crust are browned.
Serves 6 with approximately 325 calories per serving.
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